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  • 英語句子愛情溫柔(必備334句)

    山崖發表網幸福句子2023-02-11 09:55:54214

    英語句子愛情溫柔 必備89句

    1. Whether you fail or fly, at least you tried.

    2. When you look at the sky at dawn and clouds at dusk, you will miss you when you are walking or sitting.

    3. Your mobile phone is close to your body; my information is close to your mobile phone, I really want to break through this screen, let me hold you, the reincarnation of life and death, you are the only one I love!

    4. How to smile a little sweeter, as long as you can.

    5. 一生一世,不變心。

    6. 所有溫暖如春的句子里,都藏著你的臉。

    7. 這世間最殘忍的,不是得不到,而是已失去。

    8. 有的人最害怕生不逢時,而我最害怕的是生未逢你。

    9. 你知道我的缺點是什么嗎?是缺點你。

    10. People who walk alone always meet interseting people.

    11. 世界上有無數美麗的紅色,只有你是我愛的地方。

    12. Drink your wine of love, if there is no refill, I would like to be thirsty for a lifetime!

    13. 你的手機,貼著你的身體;我的信息貼著手機,真想沖破這屏幕,讓我抱著你,生死輪回,我愛的唯有你!

    14. 你走了,又回來了,而我,對你的愛也從未停止。

    15. 幸福是什么、是我想你的時候,第一時間出現的你。

    16. It's a kind of fate to meet you, a kind of beauty to love you, and a kind of happiness to be with you. I'd like to be with you forever.

    17. 愛在我夢里、愛在希望里,愛你在我有生的日日夜夜里!

    18. There is only one you in the world. How can I not cherish it.

    19. 感謝上天讓我遇見你,不管我們有沒有未來!

    20. 若不是真的喜歡你,誰會拼了命的往你的世界擠。

    21. In your present temperament, hide the path you have traveled, the books you have read and the people you have loved.

    22. 我有吸血鬼傾向,在你溫柔的頸脖上咬上一口。

    23. ??? ???? ?? ?? ?????? ???? ??? ??? ????.

    24. 第一眼喜歡的人,原來真的能喜歡很久呢。

    25. 請盡情吩咐妲己,主人。

    26. 如果套路到你,實在抱歉,我是故意的。

    27. 佰) 不想做好人,也不想做壞人,只想做你的心上人。

    28. 你不要害怕,走得再遠,我總會等你回家。

    29. 想說的話,還有很多很多,我們回家慢慢說。

    30. 曉看天色暮看云,行也思君,坐也思君。

    31. ??????: ? ???? ???? ??? ?????.

    32. Half your hand, half your bed, half life.

    33. I don't want to be warm for a short time, as long as you are with me all my life.

    34. 因喜歡你,借你的光,看見了以前未見過的世界。

    35. 世界上有那么多的城鎮,城鎮有那么多的酒館,她卻走進了我的。

    36. ? ???? ?? ?? ???? ??? ???? ???? ??? ???? ????.

    37. 我喜歡你不止是狼子野心,還賊心不改。

    38. 愿得一人心,白首不相離!

    39. 愛如芥末,讓每個愛而不得的人都淚流。

    40. The best feeling in the world is when you know your heart is smiling.

    41. 我想做你的小太陽,要不溫暖你、要不曬死你。

    42. 看到一處熟悉,突然想起你,笑了笑自己。

    43. 我要的不多,只希望每個明天你都在。

    44. 我深深地愛著你,勝似愛我自己。你是我心中的太陽,有你照耀,我就充滿了朝氣。

    45. 你放不下的人,或許早已找到了代替你的人。

    46. 親愛的,你知道我想你了嗎?

    47. 我想此生,就是你了!

    48. 花再美也比不上你的笑,沒見過你的人不會明了。

    49. ??????? ??? ?????, ?? ???.

    50. 孤煙無垠萬里沙,辛能與你踏。

    51. 您好,您有新的戀愛訂單,請及時收取我。

    52. 這個故事很漫長,我準備用一生的時間來與你述說。

    53. 時間的巨輪無法抹去我對你的思念縱使??菔癄€,你的身影永存于我心中。

    54. 你讓我的世界,不再昏暗無光。

    55. The story is very long. I like you for a long time.

    56. 清風明月本無情,卻把相思許。

    57. 我想對你愛戀的極短詩篇升華為漫長的生活散文。

    58. 就算你一身是刺如刺猬,仍有我伸手擁抱無忌諱。

    59. I am the devil of hell and the naughty one who loves you.

    60. 你問我有多愛你,每天春夢里都是你。

    61. 晚安,換個世界想你,一會兒見。

    62. 我怕愛你太明顯,又怕你看不見。

    63. Hold your hand, walk slowly, do not ask the road ahead, wind sparse horses gather.

    64. 我那么討厭別人管著我,卻唯獨只聽你的話。

    65. 忘不了的你,我最愛的人,此時此刻,我正在想你!

    66. Don't close the window tonight, I want to cast into your dream.

    67. 今晚別關窗,我想投投進入你的夢里。

    68. 愿你歲月波瀾有人陪,余生悲歡有人聽。

    69. 我拋棄了那些所謂的愛情,卻發現那才是幸福的歸屬。

    70. ???? ?? ?? ???? ???? ???? ??????.

    71. 只有愛情這條路,我們心甘情愿被套路。

    72. 不要羨慕別人的天空,因為你是一座宇宙。

    73. I like you so much. I like your nose. I like your eyes. I also like the way you often get angry with me. I really like you!

    74. 情書是我抄的,但愛你是真的。

    75. 我愿是一塊扣肉,扣住梅菜扣住你手。

    76. 我牽著你的手走路的時候,不許主動放開我,聽見沒有?

    77. Salt is for self — discipline, sweet for others.

    78. 我會掃除一切的阻力和你在一同,好好照顧你一輩子。

    79. 你眼里有春秋,勝過我愛的一切山川河流。

    80. 喜歡上你不在我的計劃之中,只是剛好發生。

    81. 世間本無沙漠,我每想你一次,上帝就落下一粒沙,從此便有了撒哈拉!

    82. Fireworks in the world, the eyes are you, the heart is you, is you in the dream.

    83. 兜兜轉轉,還是遇見你。

    84. 我是個保安,保寧一生平安。

    85. 春風十里不如你,夢里夢外來愛你。

    86. You annoy me, you annoy me, you annoy me again, you marry me.

    87. 等你,等夏天,等你一起過夏天。

    88. 遇見你,每一秒心跳,都像是警報。

    89. 煙花在世界上,眼睛是你,心是你,是夢中的你。

    英語句子愛情溫柔 必備78句

    1. 世人都說要做人上人,而我只想做你的心上人。

    2. 柳是纖纖手,遇你之后步步都難走。

    3. 短的是歲月,長的是真情。相遇在天,相守在人。

    4. ???? ???? ?? ?? ???? ????, ???'? ???? ?? ?????? ???? ??????.

    5. My heart likes you, my heart cares about you, my heart waits for you.

    6. 想每個被喚醒的清晨,睜開眼就是你。

    7. Life two, two begets three, three begets all things, all things are inferior to you.

    8. 我沒時間和你斤斤計較,我還要忙著愛你。

    9. Sometimes you need to look back, otherwise you will never know what you have lost in the way of forever searching.

    10. I can clearly recall every movement, every expression, these sounds, these images that I have been with you have been written into my life.

    11. 冬天來了,希望一陣風把我吹到哥哥的懷里去。

    12. 執君手,慢同行,不問前路風疏馬聚。

    13. See you tomorrow, make the whole tomorrow become super sweet.

    14. From now on, I will accompany you to be the best one in your life.

    15. 等君回寢宮,朝霞布蒼穹。

    16. ?'? ????? ?? ???? ??? ?? ?????? ??? ?? ?????.

    17. I have this weird self esteem problem where I hate myself yet, I still think I'm better than everyone.

    18. 深愛的某人,我愛你,我想你,好想好想的那種想念。

    19. There are so many towns in the world, so many pubs in the town, but she walked into mine.

    20. 我的擇偶標準只有一個,那就是必須是你。

    21. 有你的陪伴,我不孤單。

    22. 如果幸福無法持續,我愿在最美好的時刻最美好地遇見你。

    23. Happiness is good health and a bad memory.

    24. Some people are most afraid of life, and I am most afraid of not meeting you.

    25. 手指劃過秀發,迷戀的是呢喃。

    26. 遇見你之后,你周圍的世界,全部都是馬賽克。

    27. 時間沖不淡真情的酒,距離拉不開思念的手。想你,直到地老天荒,直到永久。

    28. 如果可以和你在一起,我寧愿讓天空所有的星光全部損落,因為你的眼睛,是我生命匯總最亮的光芒。

    29. 山河原闊,人間煙火,無一是你,無一不是你。

    30. ? ???? ?????? ???? ??? ????? ???.

    31. 手分你一半,床分你一半,人生分你一半。

    32. Throughout life's complications, you should maintain such a sense of elegance.

    33. Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.—Maria Robinson

    34. I can warn you, don't tease me, or I will insult you.

    35. 你滿臉執著地推開我的手,而我也笑著刪去了曾有你的夢。

    36. 世間萬物,唯美食與愛情不可辜負。

    37. ? ???? ?? ????? ??? ??? ????? ??? ????? ?? ???? ????? ???????.

    38. 我愿意和你平凡的過一輩子,一直一直在一起!

    39. I love you. I love you today. I love you with all my heart.

    40. 我心喜歡你,我心在乎你,我心等待你。

    41. Do not meet does not mean do not miss; do not contact does not mean forget. God let you and I have fate, just want to say a love you in every day!

    42. 時光在四季中輪回,真愛在心里相伴,心有所愛,情暖一生!

    43. 做我男朋友吧,行就行,不行我再想辦法。

    44. If you give me some pomp, I will allow you to be full of flowers.

    45. 有的路,是腳去走。有的路,要心去走。

    46. 花有什么好種的,來和我一起種草莓吧!

    47. It's hard to love someone, but I don't stop paying; it's tired to love someone, but I'm addicted to Acacia; it's silly to love someone, but I'm stubborn.

    48. 當初說要浪跡天涯,現在只想陪你刷牙。

    49. 總是想念著你,雖然我們無法共同擁有每分每秒。

    50. 一個蠟筆加了一個小新,所以我并不是單身了。

    51. 除了我啪你的時候可以哭,別的時候都不會讓你哭。

    52. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.

    53. 愛情并不是游戲,愛是真心付出,要忘記真地做不到。

    54. 如果所有土地連在一起,走上一生只為擁抱你。

    55. 我愿意用一千萬年等待你初春暖陽般的綻顏一笑。

    56. ?? ???? ?? ??? ??? ???? ?????, ??? ????? ?? ??? ?? ???.

    57. ? ????? ???'?? ???? ??? ????? ???.

    58. May you have someone to accompany you and listen to your joys and sorrows for the rest of your life.

    59. 我愛你,不是因為你是一個怎樣的人,而是因為我喜歡與你在一起時的感覺。

    60. In my whole life, in addition to my hometown, I only wrote about the moon for you.

    61. ??? ??? ????? ?? ???? ?????, ??? ???? ????? ?? ???.

    62. I can miss the rising sun, I can miss the afterglow of the setting sun, only you and I can't miss, you are my regretless choice in this life!

    63. May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset.

    64. 知道為什么我老是輸嗎?因為我輸給了你的溫柔。

    65. 你的名字只有兩個字,填不足三行,卻已寫滿我的心。

    66. 我從來沒有想過會怎樣遇到愛情,直到那一天遇見你。

    67. 對你,我已經無條件投降了,你就簽下愛情合約吧!不然沒人要我了!我已準備好將權利減半、義務倍增了。

    68. 承諾不必說的動聽,行動到位才是真心。

    69. ??? ???????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?????????? ?? ???? ???.

    70. 我一生,相許。

    71. Do you know why I always lose? Because I lost to your tenderness.

    72. 你能堅定的走向我,我就熱烈的回應你。

    73. 與你相識是一種緣,與你相戀是一種美,與你相伴是一種福,我愿和你相伴到永遠。

    74. 有人是你的山河,有人是你的星光,而我只做你的月亮。

    75. I have a special breakfast for you today, a glass of care, a plate ofhappiness, a spoon of peace, a fork of trust and a bowl of prayer.

    76. 你可以隨時倒下,我一個人,做你的四面八方。

    77. 但愿我是黑暗,這樣我就可以撲在光的懷里。

    78. 我提筆言語萬千,但萬千言語凝成:深愛你!

    英語句子愛情溫柔 必備89句

    1. 全世界只有一個你,叫我如何不珍惜。

    2. My way of confession is always simple and rough. I have time to sleep together.

    3. 我表白的方式一向簡單粗暴,有時間一起睡覺。

    4. 是不是說一句我想你,就可以永遠不分離。

    5. 你在我這沒有權衡利弊,只有堅定不移。

    6. 我覺得你不適合談戀愛呢,倒蠻適合結婚的。

    7. 可以習慣想你,可以習慣念你,就是不可以習慣沒有你。

    8. ???'?? ??? ???? ??? ???'? ???? ???? ?? ????? ?? ??.

    9. You are the one who always supports me when I am in the most difficult time.

    10. You can fall down at any time. I'll be all around you.

    11. 初升的朝陽我可以錯過,落日的余輝我可以錯過,只有你我不能錯過,你是我今生無悔的選擇!

    12. 走進生命的人,存在心里的魂,未曾牽手,已然在心。

    13. I never thought how to meet love until that day.

    14. 我對你的喜歡,勝于昨日,略匱明朝。

    15. 你需要一個可愛乖巧的女友,比如我。

    16. After meeting you, the world around you is a mosaic.

    17. No matter how beautiful the flower is, it can't be compared with your smile. People who haven't seen you will not understand.

    18. Do you know what my weakness is? It's your fault.

    19. 晚安,我已經安排了,會有蚊子替我親你。

    20. ? ???? ?'? ???? ??? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ??????.

    21. 如果我會隱身,那我一定藏在你的枕頭里。

    22. 我好喜歡你呦,我喜歡你的鼻子,我喜歡你的眼睛,我還喜歡你經常對我發怒得樣子。真的好喜歡你!

    23. ??? ??? ??? ??? ? ???? ?? ????? ?? ???? ????.

    24. You see me once, I am moved, you look back and smile, I am happy.

    25. 我相信,你會帶著四葉的幸福,出現在暖暖的午后。

    26. 其實一直關心你的人就在你身邊,你沒發現嗎?

    27. 我這一生,除了故鄉,只為你一個人寫過月亮。

    28. 請記住你的身份,你是我的心上人。

    29. 你的一句明天見,讓整個明天都變得超級甜。

    30. 恰似無邊心海,我身陷其中,唯有你能渡我。

    31. I don't think you are a qualified friend. You'd better be my wife instead!

    32. 只要是喜劇收尾,過程你讓我怎么哭都行。

    33. F???????, ????, ??? ??? ???? ??? ???.

    34. I am willing to wait for you with ten million years to smile like the warm sun in early spring.

    35. 生二,二生三,三生萬物,萬物不如你。

    36. Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are gonna get.

    37. The great wheel of time can't erase my yearning for you. Even if the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, your figure will live in my heart forever.

    38. When you are thin, you are in my heart. If you are fat, you can't get out.

    39. 愿世界溫柔待你,有時候真的很想見你。

    40. 你若厭,我便持刀握劍,為你血染人間。

    41. ?? ???? ?? ? ????? ?????? ?? ???, ? ???? ?????????? ??????.

    42. 快過年了,你不想帶一頭小豬回家嗎。

    43. 我喜歡風,無拘無束。

    44. 我能給每個人寫一句話,但你不同,我想給你千言萬語。

    45. With me, you should not want anything, no matter how wild the heart knows, you should refuse.

    46. I want to sublimate the very short poems you love into the long life prose.

    47. 晝夜平分,秋色平分,我的生活,跟你平分。

    48. Don't be afraid. No matter how far you go, I will always wait for you to go home.

    49. There is a person, in the dream, in the heart, that is you.

    50. 我覺得你真的不是個合格的朋友,你還是改行做我老婆吧!

    51. ? ?? ??????? ?? ?? ??????, ???? ??? ????? ??? ???.

    52. 你上下都好看,遠近都迷人,橫豎都不屬于我。

    53. 眉目清冷,像一整季的雪水都融化在了她的眼睛里。

    54. 山有路可行,海有舟可渡。

    55. Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.

    56. 我胖,我可以保護你。

    57. 我想要做你的枕邊書,懷中貓,心上人。

    58. I believe that you will bring four leaves of happiness, appear in the warm afternoon.

    59. 不相見不等于不想念;不聯系不等于忘記。上天讓你我有緣,只想對你說一句愛你在每一天!

    60. 將他人拒之千里,是因為靠左的位置想著你。

    61. ? ????? ???? ??. ??? ??? ? ???? ?????? ??????????.

    62. ?'? ? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ????? ??? ???????? ????? ???.

    63. There is no luck. There is only work.

    64. Be my boyfriend, OK, no, I'll try again.

    65. 失去了你,我只能把愛放在心里!

    66. In fact, the people who always care about you are right beside you. Didn't you find out?

    67. To you, I have surrendered unconditionally, you sign the love contract! Or no one wants me! I am ready to halve my rights and multiply my obligations.

    68. 我是個獨立的人,但我也需要你,需要你疼愛我。

    69. 除了和你在一起的時光,其他都是虛度。

    70. 回到盼您的伴侶的身邊來吧,他為了與您相處而熬得憔悴。

    71. 你如果想我了,一定要告訴我,我會拋下一切去見你!

    72. ??? ??????? ?????? ????? ? ??????? ???? ? ???? ???.

    73. 我們彼此錯過的歲月,注定了再也回不來了。

    74. There is no desert in the world. Every time I think of you, God will drop a grain of sand, and then there will be Sahara!

    75. I am an independent person, but I also need you, need you to love me.

    76. 我愛你如此之深,這我毫不在意。

    77. 把細線拴著的錢包丟在大街上,自己在暗處拉著線,一旦你來撿錢包,就猛然把錢包和你拽走!

    78. ????? ?? ?? ??? ????, ??? ??? ??????????.

    79. 你來的那天,春天也來到,風景剛好。

    80. 我對床上用品的要求很高,目前發現你是我最滿意的。

    81. I have a high demand for bedding, and I find that you are my most satisfied.

    82. 世間有百媚千紅,唯你是我情之所鐘。

    83. Come with me. Don't you want to? If not, I'll go with you.

    84. 我喜歡上你時,卻啞啞巴巴地不敢與你說話,躲躲閃閃地不敢正視你。

    85. 路途的風景再美,也要舍得及時告別。因為它不屬于我。

    86. 你煩我,你煩著我,你再煩我,你就娶我。

    87. Dear, forgive me, I want to speak rude, I want to die of you.

    88. 我相信愛情的終結最后是你,沒有人能代替。

    89. 陪你度喜喜悲悲,不悔,只為能感動你的淚。

    英語句子愛情溫柔 必備47句

    1. 活的越來越不像自己,像你老婆。

    2. 你女朋友掉了,快來領走,吃得不多,很好養的。

    3. See a familiar place, suddenly think of you, smile at yourself.

    4. I'm sorry if the routine comes to you. I mean it.

    5. 想你時的心情,像是鵲踏枝頭,小心又撩人。

    6. Always miss you, although we can not share every minute.

    7. If I could be with you, I would rather let all the stars in the sky be lost, because your eyes are the brightest light in my life.

    8. You are the one who always supports me in my most difficult time!

    9. 等我想你的時候,我就去豬圈看看。

    10. 我愛你,如鯨向海、鳥投林,不可避免,退無可退。

    11. 我是地獄的魔鬼,也是愛你的淘氣鬼。

    12. ? ???? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???.

    13. I really like you very much, mouth one point, eyes two points, heart seven points.

    14. Her eyes were cold, like a whole season of snow melt in her eyes.

    15. 你就是我最困難時的那位永遠支持我的人!

    16. 我等陽光等風也等你,張開手我擁抱你可好。

    17. 深話簡單說,長路慢慢走。

    18. When you run so fast to get somewhere, you miss the fun of getting there.

    19. 我肯定是鹽吃多了,不然怎么總是閑的想你啊。

    20. 你說的每句漫不經心的話,全在我心上,開成了漫山遍野的花。

    21. If you are tired of it, I will hold the sword and hold the sword, and I will dye the world with blood for you.

    22. Leave the purse tied by the thin thread on the street, and pull the thread in the dark. Once you come to pick up the purse, suddenly drag it away with you!

    23. 如今,你使我得到了這個機會。我真想說,你,心愛的,不要離我太近,不要讓我在你的懷里太久,不要。

    24. 怎樣才能笑的甜一點呢,只要想你就可以了。

    25. 我愛你,今天說出愛的表白,一心一意我愛你。

    26. 不管你走了多遠,我一定會追上你的背影。

    27. Because I like you, I see the world I haven't seen before by your light.

    28. 我不要短暫的溫存,只要你一世的陪伴。

    29. ??????, ?????? ?? ????? ??? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ???? ??.

    30. 情與情相約,癡情讓笑容更甜。

    31. Your name is only two words, less than three lines, but it is full of my heart.

    32. 你就是我最困難時的,那位永遠支持我的人。

    33. Time does not dilute the wine of true love, distance does not open the hand of missing. Miss you, until the end of time, until forever.

    34. ?????? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ?????.

    35. 故事很長,我長話短說,喜歡你,很久了。

    36. I must have eaten too much salt, otherwise I always miss you.

    37. Traversing mountains and rivers, the world is worth.

    38. Good night. I've arranged for a mosquito to kiss you for me.

    39. ????? ?? ??? ??? ?????. ???? ????? ??? ???.

    40. There are countless beautiful red in the world, only you are the place I love.

    41. Want to give the world to you, accustomed to life can not take care of themselves.

    42. ? ?????? ??? ?? ??? ?? ???????.

    43. 我真的十分喜歡你,嘴上一分,眼里兩分,心里七分。

    44. 愛一個人很苦,我卻不停付出;愛一個人很累,我卻沉迷相思;愛一個人很傻,我卻執迷不悟。

    45. The stars are crushed in your eyes. Don't fall out.

    46. 我可以清楚的回憶起和你在一起的每一個動作、每一個表情,這些聲音、這些影像,都已經寫進我的生命中。

    47. ?? ?????? ????? ? ???? ?? ?? ?? ???? ????.

    英語句子愛情溫柔 必備31句

    1. Follow your heart, but take your brain with you.

    2. 我的靈魂在悲傷,我的心在迷茫,我這一生只為了吻你。

    3. ?? ??? ??? ? ??? ???, ??? ?????? ???????? ?????? ???????.

    4. Now, you give me this opportunity. I really want to say, you, beloved, don't be too close to me, don't let me in your arms too long, don't.

    5. 喝了你釀的愛情的酒,如果沒有續杯,情愿渴一輩子!

    6. 親愛的原諒我吧,我想講粗話了,俺想死你了。

    7. Recently, my eyes are nearsighted. I can only see you in front of me.

    8. Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.——Martin Luther King Jr.

    9. With the wonder of your love, the sun above always shines.

    10. 我會大聲喊出“我愛你”,期待某一天能夠與你的靈魂交融。

    11. 我分不清是喜歡還是依賴,我隻知道你離開我很不開心。

    12. 星星揉碎了在你眼睛里,不要掉出來了呀。

    13. I love you more than myself. You are the sun in my heart. If you shine, I will be full of vitality.

    14. 秋天風韻美,只因有你相隨。

    15. 有一個人,在夢里,在心里,那就是你。

    16. When I like you, I dare not talk with you dumb, and I dare not face you evasively.

    17. 你是我掙扎過放棄過后悔過,但直到現在還是很愛很愛的人。

    18. 喜歡你的笑容,喜歡靜靜看著你,你就是我的天使。

    19. ??? ??? ??? ??? ? ???? ?? ??? ????? ??? ??? ????????? ??? ??????.

    20. 就我對你這點骨氣,放到古代肯定得為你做^v^。

    21. 你若賜我一段浮華,我便許你滿世繁花。

    22. 我愛你每一天都不會變,只會變的是我更愛你了。

    23. 從此以后我來陪,做你生命里最好的那一位。

    24. 生活有你變得美好,希望和你度過任何的天氣。

    25. 我可警告你啊,別來調戲我,不然我可是會非禮你的。

    26. 在這個不知所措的年代,好像一切都那么不盡人意。

    27. 想把世界都給你,慣到生活不能自理。

    28. 你為什么要害我,害我那么喜歡你。

    29. 和你在床上,沒空看月亮。

    30. In all the warm sentences, your face is hidden.

    31. ??? ????? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ??? ???????? ??? ???.






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